Tue.Jul 09, 2024

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Generative AI and preparing for a shift to skills-based hiring


As gen AI takes hold in the workplace, it’ll no doubt alter workflows, role requirements, and the skills necessary to get work done. The concern isn’t so much whether AI will replace jobs, but what skillsets the technology will replace, and how organizations and leaders can shift human priorities accordingly. “AI is both a major disruptor and savior, in that gen AI specifically will influence 4.5 times the number of jobs it replaces and, yet, also has the capability to help manage and upskill th

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Customer Corner: How Cognism's Compete Program Influenced $6 Million in Revenue


Cognism partnered with Crayon to improve the company's competitive enablement efforts, resulting in millions of dollars of influenced revenue.


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The UAE emerges as a global leader in AI, driving innovation and future technology


The UAE’s vision for AI is encapsulated in its National AI Strategy 2031, which aims to position the country as a global leader in AI by integrating it across various sectors. This strategy is not just a roadmap but a testament to the UAE’s forward-thinking approach to harnessing the power of AI for socio-economic growth. The UAE made headlines by becoming the first nation to appoint a Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence in 2017.

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Proceed with Caution: Generative AI in Identity


OpenAI launched generative AI (GenAI) into the mainstream last year, and we haven’t stopped talking about it since – and for good reason. When done right, its benefits are indisputable, saving businesses time, money, and resources. Industries from customer service to technology are experiencing the shift. In fact, a recent study showed a significant increase in GenAI […] The post Proceed with Caution: Generative AI in Identity appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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The best pilot project might be the one you kill


One perennial issue IT leaders face is that project success rates remain less than ideal. For example, survey data from recruitment firm Wifi Talents showed that, in 2023, fewer than 30% of software projects were completed successfully, and that 75% of IT and business executives anticipated that their projects would ultimately fail. Figures like these are sobering.

Finance 669

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Oman: 72 % average performance of Government entities in achieving digital transformation goals


Oman, a nation known for its rich cultural heritage and strategic geographic location, is embarking on a transformative journey to modernize its economy through significant investments in digital transformation. This strategic shift aims to diversify the economy, enhance public services, and position Oman as a competitive player in the global digital landscape.

Commerce 629
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Is LinkedIn Premium worth the price?


If you work in technology or want to work in technology, having a LinkedIn profile is a given. However, the base version of LinkedIn may not be enough depending on what you hope to accomplish on the world’s most popular business networking platform. If you’re a job seeker, recruiter or sales professional looking for an edge – or are serious about growing your business network, LinkedIn Premium may be worth the investment to gain that competitive edge.

Profiling 612
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Diez formas de evitar las consecuencias de un uso sin control de la IA en las empresas


Como todo lo relacionado con la tecnología, la llamada ‘TI en la sombra’ o ‘shadow IT’, es decir, el uso de la tecnología por parte de los empleados sin que el área de TI tenga visibilidad y control sobre ello, también ha evolucionado. Ya no hablamos sólo de una aplicación SaaS (de software como servicio) que satisface una necesidad específica de un trabajador o de unos cuantos dispositivos BlackBerry personales que los comerciales introducen a hurtadillas para acceder a los archivos de trabajo

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IA generativa y el cambio hacia una contratación basada en competencias


A medida que la inteligencia artificial (IA) se afiance en el entorno empresarial, sin duda alterará los flujos de trabajo, los requisitos de las funciones y las habilidades necesarias para realizar las tareas. La preocupación no es tanto si la IA sustituirá puestos de trabajo, sino qué habilidades sustituirá la tecnología, y cómo las organizaciones y los líderes pueden cambiar las prioridades humanas en consecuencia.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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El Centro de IA de Granada arrancará en otoño de 2025 con contratos por un total de 36 millones de euros


Tras la decepción que se llevó Granada ante la decisión del Gobierno de instalar la sede de la Agencia Española de Supervisión de Inteligencia Artificial (AESIA) en A Coruña , el consejero de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa de la Junta de Andalucía, Antonio Sanz , ha anunciado la creación del nuevo Centro de Inteligencia Artificial regional en esa ciudad, cuya puesta en marcha está prevista para octubre de 2025.

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El CIO Summit 2024 se mete de lleno en la era de la ‘IA en todas partes’


Regístrate ahora En la era de la ‘inteligencia artificial (IA) en todas partes’ , ¿qué rol deben desempeñar los CIO en las organizaciones para aprovechar todas sus ventajas? Con dos tercios de las empresas proyectando que sus presupuestos de TI aumenten en los próximos años -según una encuesta de CIO de EMEA-, los líderes tecnológicos deberán preparar a sus compañías con las tecnologías habilitantes para obtener el máximo potencial de sus inversiones en IA.

Sports 690