Sun.Jul 07, 2024

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AI Creates Growing Need for Managed IT Services

Smart Data Collective

Managed IT services can be very helpful for companies trying to make the most of their AI strategies in 2024.

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Leveraging GenAI for Competitive Intelligence


SCIP Insights Leveraging GenAI for Competitive Intelligence In the rapidly changing business landscape, companies must continuously innovate to maintain a competitive edge. Traditional methods of competitive intelligence (CI) are being enhanced by cutting-edge technologies, with Generative AI (GenAI) leading the transformation. This transformative approach is revolutionizing the way businesses gather, analyze, and utilize data about their competitors, offering unprecedented insights and strategi

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Extending AI innovation to the edge


With AI at the epicenter of innovation today, bringing AI into Industry 4.0 has become a powerful solution to existing challenges that have plagued businesses. From plant automation and predictive maintenance in manufacturing to delivering hyper-personalized shopping experiences in retail, edge AI offers a range of possibilities and encourages innovation across industries.