Wed.May 15, 2024

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10 things to watch out for with open source gen AI


It seems anyone can make an AI model these days. Even if you don’t have the training data or programming chops, you can take your favorite open source model, tweak it, and release it under a new name. According to Stanford’s AI Index Report, released in April, 149 foundation models were released in 2023, two-thirds of them open source. And there are an insane number of variants.

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Cloud Technology Changes Role of Soft Skills in Nursing

Smart Data Collective

Cloud technology has led to some major changes in the healthcare sector, including changes in how nurses rely on soft skills.


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3 ways to break out of AI ‘pilot purgatory’


American humorist Mark Twain once said, “History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” Today we worry this phenomenon is playing out with enterprise adoption of generative AI. On their digital transformation journeys over the last decade, many enterprises spent time mired in “pilot purgatory,” taking as long as years to move from concept to executing on use cases.

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AI Leads to Breakthroughs in GUI Brainstorming Software

Smart Data Collective

AI has led to some major breakthroughs in GUI brainstorming software.

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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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How can CIOs build an effective Generative AI strategy?


Growing out of control? If 2023 was the year of AI exploration, then 2024 will be the year of action. According to Forrester , investment in AI software will grow 50% faster than the wider software market. A recent PagerDuty survey also found that 71% of businesses are looking to expand investments in AI and machine learning (ML) in the next year.

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IT staff shortages damage the bottom line: IDC report


CIOs instinctively understand how IT staff shortages and recruitment struggles make every task and deliverable more difficult. But it’s very different when the business leaders they report to are shown the concrete business problems that arise as a result of shortages of staff in the IT department. A new IDC report delivers those details. Nearly two thirds of the IT executives surveyed said “a lack of skills has resulted in missed revenue growth objectives, quality problems, and a decline in cus

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How to Assess GenAI’s Impact on Your Business


Since the beginning of 2023, generative AI (GenAI) has quickly made a significant impact across an expanding range of industries and applications. In just over a year since its groundbreaking debut, there’s much to celebrate about GenAI – and even more to still uncover and understand. Today, 79% of employees report at least some exposure to AI, […] The post How to Assess GenAI’s Impact on Your Business appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

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What CIOs need to know about the newly proposed Critical Infrastructure Cyber Incident Reporting Rule


Creating a world that is safer and more secure is core to our vision at Palo Alto Networks, but this only can be achieved if we’re collectively making the internet, as a whole, safer. To do this requires more widespread awareness of cyber threats and information sharing, and a newly proposed cyber incident reporting rule from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (“CISA”) is intended to meet this goal.

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How to Use Generative AI to Improve Your Shopify Store


Imagine having an assistant who never sleeps, continuously ready to help improve your Shopify store’s appeal and efficiency. That’s what generative AI can do for you. Shopify is really getting into generative AI with some cool tools called Shopify Magic and an AI assistant named Sidekick. They’ve teamed up with something like ChatGPT and used their data to build these features.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Hasso Plattner stepping down signals another turning point at SAP


It’s difficult to imagine SAP without Hasso Plattner, who’s been there from the beginning and has significantly shaped the fortunes of Europe’s largest software manufacturer for more than five decades as founder, board of directors member, and, most recently, as chairman of the supervisory board. Now at 80, Plattner is giving up his post at the head of the supervisory board and leaving the SAP stage.

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The essential human element of Artificial Intelligence or "IA before AI"


Analytics and automatic documentation is not artificial intelligence.

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4 ways AI will change the ITOps landscape in 2024


After a tumultuous 2022, organizations were looking for a year of certitude and growth in 2023. Unfortunately, they didn’t get it. This was 12 months in which interest rates and inflation soared, and persistent business, economic, and geopolitical uncertainty weighed heavily on corporate strategy. Yet for IT operations teams little changed. Many struggled to support their organization’s expanding digital infrastructure with disjointed tooling and manual processes.

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The Analytics Sandwich: Understanding the Business Value of Data and AI


In discussions with data management professionals, conversations often veer toward the technical intricacies of migration to the cloud or algorithm optimization, overshadowing the core business objectives that originally spurred these initiatives.

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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EU moves toward regulating data center energy and water use


The European Union will take a big step toward regulating energy and water use by data centers in September, when organizations operating data centers in EU nations will be required to file reports detailing water and energy consumption, as well as steps they are taking to reduce it. The EU’s data center reporting rules are part of a larger regulatory package ultimately aimed at reducing energy consumption by 11.7% between 2020 and 2030.

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The End of Agile – Part 5 (Misapplications of Agile)


In the first article, I laid out the basic premise for this series: an examination of how Agile has gone from the darling of the application development community to a virtual pariah that nobody wants to be associated with, and an exploration of the very important question of what we should replace it with.

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Why today’s CIO needs to be “multi-lingual”


CIOs are being hit by requests for everything, across every department. But this deluge mustn’t distract from the business-critical technology initiatives to drive operational excellence and business value. For the CIO, any changes must give teams a way of doing business smarter, and faster. CIOs must sift through the noise to identify ways to automate processes and transform the way people work.

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3 things to consider when building responsible GenAI systems


Generative AI (GenAI) has the potential to transform entire industries, especially in customer service and coding. If Act One of digital transformation was building applications—for example, building omnichannel customer experiences—then Act Two is adding GenAI. Its core capability—using large language models (LLMs) to create content, whether it’s code or conversations—can introduce a whole new layer of engagement for organizations.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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The evolution of the CIO’s role: From tactical ops to transformational leader


Over the course of the last decade, enterprise-wide cybersecurity has increasingly become a business priority. With a renewed focus on each organization’s need to protect itself from a wide range of threats, board-level professionals have realized the value CIOs can bring to their business. As a result of this perception shift, CIOs have been shifted into the public eye and must be more aware than ever of the decisions they make.

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Canadian CIOs discuss driving a successful hybrid cloud roadmap


Cost remains the biggest driver for multicloud. To be successful, CIOs must understand the costs and benefits of such a migration, as well as factors such as life cycle management and the impact on staff. The good news – according to a group of Canadian IT leaders I met with in Toronto – is that Canada’s CIOs have never felt better equipped to make those decisions.

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How BayCare Health System excels in raising data literacy


Martha Heller: What does data literacy mean to BayCare Health System? William Walders:It means that every team member operates at the top of their license. When the environmental services team who cleans our operating rooms has the data to flip an OR quickly to get a new patient in, they work more efficiently. A third of our staff are nurses. If we understand the volume of patients in the hospital and the level of care they need, and can predict future staffing needs, we provide better care for

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The CIO’s survival guide for board engagement: 4 steps to success


Being a CIO isn’t getting any easier. The tolerance for outages and downtime is extremely low. Keeping your organization operational requires constant vigilance and rigorous processes. The board is placing great expectations on the CIO. The growing realization of the cost of digital downtime has pushed CIOs into the spotlight, increasing the pressures they face.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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In the corner office, fear of GenAI risk outweighs the lure of its promise


I find listening to and learning from leading global CEOs, board members, and technology executives in our customer base incredibly fulfilling. We discussed their business goals, growth ambitions, and the challenges they face to modernize their operations. Chances are, we’ll talk about their fears too. That’s because, with the fast-paced evolution and imminent adoption of generative AI, the role of CIOs and CTOs has become both exciting and invigorating, but also more complicated and unpredicta

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Download our cloud cost management enterprise buyer’s guide


When the monthly cloud bill arrives, CFOs are hitting the roof. Developer teams are learning that the pennies add up, sometimes faster than expected, and it’s time for some discipline. Cloud cost management tools are an answer.

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6 ways to build a culture of automation in your organization


In a world of persistent macroeconomic and business uncertainty, organizations are increasingly looking for ways to grow revenue without adding capacity. Hiring is expensive, takes time, and can be full of risk. It’s also increasingly difficult to do in an environment where ITOps talent is in short supply. The simple answer to this capacity conundrum is automation.

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AI for Cybersecurity: Superhero or Sidekick?


We all know that complexity is the enemy of effective cybersecurity. Yet across the globe, organizations are transforming their operations to deliver new digital experiences. This is driving a greater degree of risk in complex environments. We have found that incident volumes increased by 13% in 2023, rising to 16% among enterprises, where scale and operational complexity are greatest.

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What Questions Are Brands Asking About Their ESG Initiatives Ahead of 2024?

Temperatures are rising (and not just metaphorically) as key stakeholders anxiously anticipate the outcomes of COP28. While companies reconsider their 2024 environmental sustainability strategies, there is another aspect of ESG that deserves exploring, the social sector. In the latest edition of "Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Sagittarius Edition", 3BL hones in on this sign’s bold quality of asking questions others are burning to know the answers to.