Mon.Jul 15, 2024

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La IA generativa no solucionará los problemas de migración a ‘cloud’


El equipo de dirección la empresa ficticia XYZ Inc era optimista cuando se embarcó en un viaje para migrar a cloud sus numerosos sistemas heredados utilizando herramientas de IA generativa de última generación. La asociación con un proveedor líder de soluciones de IA prometía eficiencia y reducción de costes; sin embargo, había que ayudar a las mencionadas herramientas a gestionar la complejidad y especificidad de los sistemas de XYZ, lo que provocaba frecuentes intervenciones manuales.

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Integrate Data Architecture with Business Operations to Boost Success Now


In the contemporary data-driven business landscape, the seamless integration of data architecture with business operations has become critical for success. There is a symbiosis between sophisticated data architectures and operational agility that demonstrates how this integration facilitates real-time decision-making, predictive analytics, and personalized customer experiences.


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La preocupación por la falta de precisión frena la adopción de la IA generativa en el sector industrial


Un reciente informe de Lucidworks concluye que las empresas del sector industrial están implementando los proyectos de IA generativa más lentamente de lo previsto debido a las preocupaciones que les suscita la falta de exactitud de esta tecnología. Según el estudio, para el que se encuestó a más de 2.500 responsables con capacidad de decisión en materia de IA, el 58% de los líderes del ámbito industrial planean aumentar el gasto en IA en 2024, mientras que en 2023 el porcentaje ascendía al 93%.

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Newsletter – July 2024


This month’s newsletter shines a spotlight on the crucial role of innovation. Join us for our upcoming webinar, “ Driving Market Success with Innovation ,” where innovation leaders at Catapult, Delta Faucet, and Mary Kay will discuss some of their best tips and strategies. Listen to the latest episode of our new podcast, Debating Net Zero, where Fuld’s energy experts debate the potential impact of white hydrogen as a renewable energy source.

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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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ESG reporting: Carbon in the cloud


Environment, social, and governance (ESG) concerns have become increasingly important for all organizations. Within the CIO domain, a key environmental concern is datacenter power consumption and the carbon emissions created to produce that electrical power. As many organizations shift services from in-house datacenters to external cloud services, the potential for reduced power consumption and reduced carbon emissions presents an opportunity to report improvements in ESG.

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Del dato como activo estratégico a la IA generativa: así es la estrategia digital de Air Europa


La inteligencia artificial generativa (IA) se ha convertido en una herramienta prioritaria para las estrategias de todo tipo de empresas. De hecho, hasta el 40% de ellas tiene presupuesto o iniciativas relacionadas, y un 30% cree que esta tecnología ha comenzado a ser disruptiva en su negocio , según datos de la consultora IDC. Sin embargo, lo cierto también es que nos encontramos en una etapa muy inicial o experimental de esta ciencia, que despuntó democráticamente hace escasos dos años con el

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Best practices for integrating AI in business: A governance approach


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has great potential to revolutionize business operations, to drive efficiency, innovation, and improved customer and employee experiences. However, integrating AI into business processes requires careful, intentional planning and robust governance to ensure ethical, legal, and effective use. As a leader in enterprise customer experience (CX), Avaya has a nuanced understanding of the link between thoughtful AI governance and its impact on CX.

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Cybersicurezza, AI, talenti: 3 grandi sfide per i CIO di oggi


Sono tante le attività che fanno capo al CIO, come pure gli ostacoli che il Chief Information Officer incontra lungo il cammino dei suoi progetti digitali. Ma la cybersicurezza resta la sfida numero uno, tanto da essere una voce del budget in costante aumento, come hanno svelato i più recenti dati di IDC. In Europa la spesa in sicurezza informatica salirà nel 2024 del 12,3%, prevedono gli analisti; la crescita si manterrà a due cifre anche nei prossimi anni, raggiungendo gli 84 miliardi di dolla

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Explore industry-leading CIO perspectives on the value of AI in networking


Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) is sky-high, and the technology is exponentially evolving at an explosive pace. How can organizations keep up, plan for, and (most importantly) reap the benefits AI promises? Foundry put that question to its CIO Think Tank participants in a series of virtual roundtables in the spring of 2024. We learned firsthand about the use cases they were pursuing, the challenges they faced, and potential solutions.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.