Wed.Jun 26, 2024

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Healthcare’s long road to digitization gets an AI boost


The University of Pennsylvania Health System had an enormous amount of anonymized patient data in its Penn Medicine BioBank, and SVP and CIO Michael Restuccia’s team saw an opportunity to use it to benefit the research hospital’s patients. “We had a conversation about how to take some of the innovation occurring in research around AI and deploy it in the clinics,” he says.

Hospitals 775
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How to Economize Your Summer Fun


Summer officially started last week, and we ’re thrilled about it. I love Minnesota , where I live, in the summer since it is so cold, for so long. My family and I can’t wait to do all the summer things we’ve loved and miss. Today, we’re happy to look at all the fun things that summer brings—and take the opportunity to consider the best bang for your buck given inflation.

Sports 69

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Leading tech in a PE portfolio company: 5 things you need to know


While the PE industry is not as active as it has been in previous years, what goes down typically comes back up, so CIOs are likely to get calls from recruiters about joining a PE portfolio company sometime soon. Some PE firms buy a portfolio company, replace key leaders (including the CIO) and let the management team figure out how to grow the value of their investment.

Knowledge 702
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Streamlining Your Data Needs for Generative AI


Companies are investing heavily in AI projects as they see huge potential in generative AI. Consultancies have predicted opportunities to reduce costs and improve revenues through deploying generative AI – for example, McKinsey predicts that generative AI could add $2.6 to $4.4 trillion to global productivity. Yet at the same time, AI and analytics projects have historically […] The post Streamlining Your Data Needs for Generative AI appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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El éxito de la IA depende de una cultura de la innovación


En 2001, Steve Jobs dijo que era tan importante como el PC , y el inversor de capital riesgo John Doerr que podría ser más importante que Internet. ¿A qué tecnología revolucionaria se referían? Al Segway. Ya sabe, el dispositivo de transporte personal que fracasó en el mercado y se convirtió en sinónimo de los guardias de seguridad de los centros comerciales.

Capital 670

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Parada en boxes: gobernanza del dato y sostenibilidad, los grandes retos de la F1


A pie de pista, junto a una de las chicanes que otorgan personalidad propia al Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya en Montmeló, el rugir del motor es ensordecedor, la adrenalina se dispara y las milésimas de segundo que los pilotos aspiran a ganarle al cronómetro se traducen en un pestañeo. Es fin de semana de Fórmula 1 en la Ciudad Condal y CIO España atestigua de la mano de Lee Wright, director de Operaciones TI en la organización , cómo la tecnología se erige como catalizador a la hora de impulsar

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Troubled Stable Diffusion maker has finally named a new CEO as part of a turnaround plan that will see new investment and a star-studded cast of billionaire investors join its board. The new CEO is Prem Akkaraju, who stepped down from his post as CEO of famous digital effects company Weta Digital (now Weta FX) in May 2022. But somebody clearly believes in

Profiling 659
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París apuesta por la española Teldat para mejorar la conectividad del suburbano


París calienta motores y se pone a punto para acoger como anfitrión la edición 2024 de los Juegos Olímpicos. Así, en el marco de la celebración, Metro de París ha suscrito un acuerdo con la compañía especializada en telecomunicaciones y ciberseguridad, Teldat , con el propósito de mejorar la conectividad en el transporte público de la capital gala. En concreto, según se ha dado a conocer, la firma española desplegará sus soluciones de última generación en un total de 176 trenes y 857 coches de l

Capital 658
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The rising software supply chain threat: Mounting a unified defense


Malicious actors have been pressing their advantage against vulnerable software supply chains with exponentially increasing attacks. Enterprises have been hampered in fighting back by lack of internal consensus on their security capabilities and practices. Recent survey findings uncovered multiple areas of disconnect between senior executives/managers (“executives”) and hands-on staff (“doers”).

Security 617
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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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I 10 principali problemi che l’IT di oggi si trova ad affrontare


I CIO hanno un’agenda stracolma, fitta di numerose questioni critiche e complesse che dominano il loro tempo e la loro attenzione. Non sorprende che la capitalizzazione dell’IA sia in cima alla lista delle cose da fare, così come la creazione delle giuste aspettative, e di tutto ciò che può generare sicurezza e fiducia intorno a essa. Anche la gestione del cambiamento è fondamentale per i Chief Information Officer di oggi.

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White House executive order restricting data brokers enters effect — but to what end?


An executive order from President Biden restricting which countries data brokers can sell American data to took effect on Sunday, but some have expressed doubt about whether it will have much impact. The executive order prohibits data brokers from selling protected data about Americans to various “countries of concern,” which the US defined in December as Burma, People’s Republic of China, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia,

Security 592