Wed.Sep 04, 2024

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Can the CIO role prevail over AI?


According to a recent report from the AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium, 92% of IT jobs will be transformed by AI to a moderate or high degree. But when it comes to senior-level jobs, 100% will see moderate transformation. And when it comes to business and management IT jobs, 63% were classified as “high transformation” due to AI. And online education company Pluralsight conducted a survey of IT professionals in the US and UK and found that 74% worried AI tools will make many of their daily sk

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Generative AI: Unlocking New Revenue Streams for Your Business

Smart Data Collective

Transform your business with generative AI! Learn how to unlock new revenue streams and drive growth through innovative solutions.

Business 224

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Executive coaching from seasoned CIOs makes the difference


CIO legend Charlie Feld doesn’t hesitate when he says, “This is an outstanding time to be an IT leader.” And for good reason. In the digital era, IT leaders have more opportunities to spearhead innovation, orchestrate large transformation efforts, and drive business value. But with the speed and complexity of business today, CIOs and IT leaders also face many new challenges, the stakes of which have never been higher.

Learning 765
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AI Technology is Revolutionizing File Transfer Security

Smart Data Collective

AI technology is going to be more important than ever in improving file transfer security as cyberattacks escalate.

Security 221
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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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AI innovation: Bridging the expectations gap with Avaya


Customers increasingly expect great care and service, creating both opportunities and challenges. Maximize value for your customers and employees through greater innovation and you’ll drive growth. Make too many changes too fast, however, and you run the risk of major disruption that affects IT productivity, employee morale, customer loyalty, and profitability.

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INE Security Announces 5 Practical Steps to Elevate Cyber Defense Strategies


In a proactive response to the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats, INE Security , a global leader in cybersecurity and network training, today unveiled a crucial initiative aimed at fortifying corporate defenses against digital dangers. The newly launched guide, “5 Practical Steps to Reduce Cyber Threats,” offers actionable strategies for cybersecurity leaders to enhance their team’s preparedness and response capabilities.

Security 647
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Weidert to Present Top Industrial Sales & Marketing Lead-Gen Plays at Manufacturing First 2024

Weidert Group

APPLETON, WI — Weidert Group president Greg Linnemanstons invites Manufacturing First Expo & Conference guests to attend his breakout session, where he’ll share strategies to improve lead-generation results for industrial sales and marketing teams. The event will be held October 30, 2024, at the Resch Expo in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Weidert Group is a Manufacturing First Gold Sponsor.

Sales 97
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Lecciones del caso Crowdstrike para los CIO


El primer momento fue de caos. A medida que se encendían ordenadores y aparecía la temida pantalla azul de la muerte, o que fallaban TPV, o no se podía sacar tarjetas de embarque, la noticia corría como la pólvora a medida que la temida pantalla azul de la muerte aparecía en más equipos. En aquellas empresas afectadas, el personal de TI era reclamado por, básicamente, todos los departamentos.

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AI governance: what is it? 

Stellar Consulting

By Briar Christensen , Principal Advisory Consultant AI governance: what is it? AI Governance: What It Is and Why It is Important As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionise industries, businesses in New Zealand are increasingly adopting AI technologies to stay competitive. However, with the great power of AI also comes great responsibility.

IT 52
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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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¿El papel del CIO puede prevalecer sobre la IA?


Según un informe reciente del AI-Enabled ICT Workforce Consortium, el 92% de los empleos de TI serán transformados por la IA en un grado moderado o alto. Pero cuando se trata de empleos de alto nivel, el 100% verá una transformación moderada. Y en lo que respecta a los puestos de TI de gestión y empresariales, el 63% se clasificaron como de ‘alta transformación’ debido a la IA.

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Radiant Results: Sol de Janeiro’s Success with Domo and NetSuite


Financial metrics matter to everyone in a company, not just those in finance and operations. That’s especially true in a company experiencing hypergrowth, like Sol de Janeiro. The beauty company launched in 2015, and its first product—Brazilian Bum Bum Cream—went viral. Sol de Janeiro has grown lightning-fast ever since. We spoke with Caio Pimenta, senior manager of global analytics, about how Sol de Janeiro brings financial metrics that matter to everyone in the business—and how the Domo and Ne

Finance 52
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Tencent super-apps helped a large American retailer expand its reach into China


Entering a new market with a different social structure, cultural history, and regulatory issues is never easy for a large retailer, even if the difference seems slight. On the technological front, a key issue when expanding into a new market is the need to build a new technology stack that suits the local consumers. This was a major roadblock for a large American retailer when it started on its journey to enter the Chinese market in 1996.

Retail 587
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We Need Help Growing Life Insurance Distribution: REPRINT #LIAM

Wink Intel

Originally posted February 5, 2011 by Sheryl J. Moore Most of you know that I am passionate about indexed life insurance and indexed annuities. However, I am passionate about insurance products in general. In fact, one of the things that I am MOST passionate about is growing our distribution! Not so long ago, life insurance and annuities were distributed via a career agent distribution.

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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Palladium Hotel Group gestionará sus grandes volúmenes de datos con una nueva solución de monitorización


La diversidad y el volumen de sus operaciones en distintos países ha llevado al Palladium Hotel Group a buscar soluciones tecnológicas que mejoren su gestión de los datos. Para ello, ha implementado una nueva plataforma de monitorización que le permite detectar y responder a los problemas operativos de forma más rápida y eficaz. Se trata de la solución Datokey de Datarmony , un sistema predictivo que utiliza modelos entrenados continuamente con el histórico de datos de la compañía y que permite

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Life Insurance Awareness Month #LIAM

Wink Intel

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month Wink supports Life Insurance Awareness and will be joining in this month’s awareness campaign! We will be reprinting our CEO, Sheryl Moore’s most requested life insurance-focused articles all month long; they will be indicated with “reprint” in the title. You’ll find these timeless articles are still relevant today.

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Come si riconosce, oggi, un team ad alte perfomance? E, come fare per crearne uno?


L’idea di ciò che costituisce un team ad alte performance si è notevolmente evoluta negli ultimi cinque anni. Prima della pandemia, le squadre di lavoro di questo genere erano co-localizzate, multidisciplinari, auto-organizzate, agili e data-driven: team concentrati su capacità tecnologiche affidabili, sul miglioramento dell’esperienza dell’utente finale e sull’aumento delle capacità di gestione dei dati e analytics.

KPI 354
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Wink Intel

All Universal Life Sales for the second quarter of 2024 were $1,139 million. Second quarter universal life sales were up nearly 12% when compared to the previous quarter. Given that this is the second quarter that Wink has collected data on sales of all universal life insurance products, additional comparisons will be available in future quarters. All universal life (UL) products include fixed UL, indexed UL, and variable UL products.

Sales 52
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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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A leading telecom provider engages Tencent to enhance consumer experiences in the Middle East and Africa through a super-app


In the fast-paced telecommunications (telecom) industry, consumers are often overwhelmed by the multitude of apps—each with its unique interface and access protocols—and often not integrated. This fragmentation of consumer data across various services not only leads to a subpar user experience, it also contributes to lower provider retention. This situation underscores the pressing need for a solution that offers greater flexibility, security, and convenience.

Alliance 608
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Wink, Inc. Releases Second Quarter, 2024 Life Sales Results

Wink Intel

— FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION — NEWS RELEASE LIFE INSURANCE SALES REBOUND IN THE SECOND QUARTER Wink, Inc. Releases Second Quarter, 2024 Life Sales Results Des Moines, Iowa. September 3, 2024 – Wink, Inc. released the second quarter, 2024 life sales results in its 108 th edition of Wink’s Sales & Market Report. Wink’s Sales & Market Report is the insurance industry’s #1 resource for life insurance sales data, since 1997.

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What IT leaders want from US AI regulation


The US government has so far taken a hands-off approach to AI regulation, with the US Congress yet to pass any major legislation regulating the technology. Legislators have introduced dozens of bills , and President Joe Biden did issue an executive order detailing the safe use of AI in October 2023. But to date, the most that the US federal government has to show for its efforts are voluntary commitments on AI use from about 15 major companies.

IT 704
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The IUL conundrum: big sales and big problems

Wink Intel

Indexed universal life is a lot of things, depending on who you are talking to. To many consumers, IUL is a multipurpose product that helps them accomplish a lot of different financial goals. For some lawyers, it is a seemingly endless source of business as lawsuits proliferate. Click HERE to read the full story via INN The post The IUL conundrum: big sales and big problems appeared first on Wink, Inc.

Sales 40
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Ilya Sutskever’s Safe Superintelligence Inc. lands $1B investment


The company that OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever formed in June following his departure from the organization has already raised $1 billion in venture capital funding, a post on social network X stated Wednesday. Sutskever left OpenAI in May, six months after being one of the board members who pushed fellow co-founder Sam Altman out over concerns about his honesty, and in his message announcing his departure he said, “I am excited for what comes next — a project that is very

Research 479
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Parties seek stay of deadline for fiduciary rule appeal decision

Wink Intel

The Office of the Solicitor General has not decided whether to appeal a stay freezing the Department of Labor’s latest attempt to expand fiduciary duty. Texas Judge Jeremy D. Kernodle issued the stay on July 25 in a lawsuit brought by the Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice. Attorneys for both plaintiffs and defendants jointly asked Kernodle to extend the stay to the government’s “deadline to answer or otherwise respond.

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Introduction to Web Scraping with Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Data Hut

What is Web Scraping? Web scraping is like having a super-efficient assistant that automatically pulls data from websites for you. This could be anything you see online—text, images, or even hidden details like metadata. Once the data is grabbed, it’s neatly organized in a format you can work with, like a spreadsheet or database. Instead of manually copying and pasting information (which can be a real hassle), web scraping automates the whole process.

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Getting drunk on fees

Wink Intel

Indexed annuity bonuses, with fees. Indexed annuity indexing methods, with fees. Indexed annuity guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits, with fees. Indexed annuities with fees, for the sake of having fees. Who thinks carriers are getting drunk on fees? This used to be a product that HAD NO FEES, ever. -sjm Join in the conversation on LinkedIn HERE.

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What Questions Are Brands Asking About Their ESG Initiatives Ahead of 2024?

Temperatures are rising (and not just metaphorically) as key stakeholders anxiously anticipate the outcomes of COP28. While companies reconsider their 2024 environmental sustainability strategies, there is another aspect of ESG that deserves exploring, the social sector. In the latest edition of "Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Sagittarius Edition", 3BL hones in on this sign’s bold quality of asking questions others are burning to know the answers to.