Thu.Jul 18, 2024

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GenAI sticker shock sends CIOs in search of solutions


The early bills for generative AI experimentation are coming in, and many CIOs are finding them more hefty than they’d like — some with only themselves to blame. “We’re getting back into this frenetic spend mode that we saw in the early days of cloud,” observed James Greenfield, vice president of AWS Commerce Platform, at the FinOps X conference in San Diego in June.

Sports 812
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Construction Companies Turn to AI for Scalability

Smart Data Collective

More construction companies are using AI technology to improve their business models.


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SAP security holes raise questions about the rush to AI


Cloud security firm Wiz has probed SAP defenses as part of its tenant isolation research on AI service providers, and on Wednesday published a lengthy list of shortcomings. SAP says that they fixed all of the problems before Wiz published. Most deal with either a lack of meaningful segmentation or network components trusting other components without any authentication — a violation of the basic tenet of Zero Trust.

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Key Steps for Managing Scope 3 Data Efficiently


As the effects of climate change become increasingly clear, businesses today are facing unprecedented pressure to rein in their carbon footprints and to properly account for and disclose their environmental impact. The era of vague, voluntary corporate mission statements on climate-related goals to satisfy internal and external stakeholders’ demands is over.

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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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New UK government downplays AI regulation in program for the next year


As Britain’s King Charles III stood up in the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday to present the new Labour government’s proposed legislative program, technology experts were primed for any mention of artificial intelligence (AI). In the event, amidst the colorful pomp and arcane ceremony the British state is famous for in the state opening of Parliament, what the speech delivered was mostly a promise of future legislation shorn of any detail on the form this will take.

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Navigating the data management maze: How emerging tech and modern solutions are revolutionizing mainframe-to-cloud integration


Emerging technologies are transforming organizations of all sizes, but with the seemingly endless possibilities they bring, they also come with new challenges surrounding data management that IT departments must solve. Technologies such as AI, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), require the right infrastructure to support moving data securely across environments.

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Serving Up Smart Finance: Let’s Taco Bout Torchy’s, Domo, and NetSuite


Finance leaders using NetSuite often encounter challenges optimizing their reporting and analytics capabilities. While NetSuite is a robust and essential enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, its built-in reporting can sometimes lack the flexibility required for dynamic financial analysis. That’s where Domo comes in. We powerfully complement NetSuite by simplifying complex processes and making insights easier to access.

Finance 52
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La estrategia de Leroy Merlin en los mercados B2C


Dmitriy Anderson, CIO de Leroy Merlin y responsable de Comercio Electrónico y Estrategia de Mercado, admite que la rentabilidad le quita el sueño, sobre todo cuando se trata de nuevas iniciativas empresariales como el mercado de productos de Leroy Merlin. Según Anderson, este mercado en línea, que se puso en marcha hace tres años y actualmente cuenta con más de 500 vendedores de terceros, a lcanzó recientemente un gran hito al alcanzar el punto de equilibrio por primera vez en enero de 2024.

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Contify Copilot: A Conversational Interface to Answer Your Stakeholder’s Ad-Hoc Queries


In this blog, you will get an overview of Contify Copilot a newly launched feature for users to get answers to ad-hoc queries.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Breaking through the complexity of performance monitoring with Anomalytics


Many organizations across industries depend on the mainframe to support critical operations, leveraging this IT infrastructure to handle massive amounts of data and transactions in an agile and secure environment. Because mainframes are so critical, organizations need them to also be resilient and reliable. This is why it’s so important for IT teams to have solutions and practices to effectively and continuously monitor the mainframe to catch problems before they can manifest.

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Integrating Market Intelligence into Your Marketing Strategy


SCIP Insights Integrating Market Intelligence into Your Marketing Strategy In the modern business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires more than just a keen understanding of your product or service. It demands a comprehensive grasp of the market dynamics, customer behaviors, and competitive movements. This is where market intelligence (MI) comes into play.

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El papel del CIO hoy: Los agentes del cambio sólo tienen que presentarse


Si aún no es un agente del cambio en su organización, su carrera como CIO puede correr el riesgo de quedarse atrás. Esto se debe a que la mayoría de los CIO se ven ahora como innovadores y defensores del cambio más que como tecnólogos, según una encuesta reciente realizada a personas que ocupan este puesto. Aunque desde hace tiempo se viene insistiendo en que los CIO deben ser pensadores estratégicos , la encuesta , realizada por Deloitte en febrero y publicada en junio, marca una especie de hit

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Grupo SASTI optimiza sus operaciones y expande su negocio gracias a IFS Cloud


IFS y Grupo SASTI, especialista en servicios, han anunciado la firma de un acuerdo de colaboración para la implementación de IFS Cloud en el marco de su plan estratégico de transformación digital. Con ello, aquel grupo pretende convertirse en la principal empresa de servicios en la región, a través de la estandarización de sus operaciones en España y Portugal.

Capital 568
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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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Los CIO están más presionados que nunca, pero eso es bueno


El papel del CIO está en constante cambio. Lo que hace unos años era un conjunto exhaustivo de funciones y responsabilidades, hoy dista mucho de ser adecuado, de modo que el CIO centrado en las operaciones de la última década no es el líder digital del futuro, afirma Omer Grossman, CIO global de CyberArk, especialista en tecnología. “Algunos CIO sólo intentan mantener las luces encendidas” , afirma.

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PNNL’s Brian Abrahamson on delivering UX excellence


As chief digital officer, Brian Abrahamson is leading a digital transformation journey to cement Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)’s reputation as a globally recognized research institution. His diverse team of professionals that spans computing, IT, UX design, program management, cybersecurity, HPC, and systems engineering is an essential asset in making this possible.

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As mainframe application development grows, so does the security risk


Mainframe systems process a vast amount of vital transactions daily—that includes everything from the swipe of a credit card at the grocery store to purchasing an airline ticket online or accessing sensitive healthcare information. A Rocket Software survey found that over half (51%) of IT leaders rely on mainframe systems to handle all, or nearly all, core business applications.

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