Mon.Jul 08, 2024

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10 ways to prevent shadow AI disaster


Like all technology-related things, shadow IT has evolved. No longer just a SaaS app handling some worker’s niche need or a few personal BlackBerries snuck in by sales to access work files on the go, shadow IT today is more likely to involve AI, as employees test out all sorts of AI tools without the knowledge or blessing of IT. The volume of shadow AI is staggering, according to research from Cyberhaven, a maker of data protection software.

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Engage Prospects Faster with ZoomInfo Copilot Dialer


We built ZoomInfo Copilot to solve one of the biggest challenges facing go-to-market (GTM) teams today: connecting with prospects who are actively looking to buy, at the moment they’re ready to act. A majority of good-fit prospects simply aren’t in-market at any given moment. This means that a significant amount of a salesperson’s time, effort, and prep work aren’t going to result in a closed deal, no matter how skilled or knowledgeable they may be.

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Anatomía de un ciberataque: un relato en primera persona


“Aunque sucedió hace dos años y medio, todavía me genera ansiedad y desasosiego recordarlo”. Con estas palabras, Gonçal Badenes, CIO de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), relata en primera persona cómo vivió en sus propias carnes el ciberataque de ransomware que el grupo cibercriminal PYSA perpetró en 2021 contra la institución pública educativa.

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Data Sprawl: Continuing Problem for the Enterprise or an Untapped Opportunity?


Data sprawl has emerged as a significant challenge for enterprises, characterized by the proliferation of data across multiple systems, locations, and applications. This widespread dispersion complicates efforts to manage, integrate, and extract value from data. However, the rise of data fabric and the integration of Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) technologies offers a promising solution to these challenges […] The post Data Sprawl: Continuing Problem for the Enterprise or an Untapped Oppor

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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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Año uno de la Consejería de Digitalización de Madrid: más de 100 proyectos incluyen IA


La Consejería de Digitalización de la Comunidad de Madrid no ha perdido el tiempo en su primer año de vida. En el primer balance realizado por la entidad, su consejero Miguel López-Valverde, detalló las diferentes iniciativas que se han puesto en marcha en este ejercicio, con un claro foco en la tecnología de moda: más de 100 proyectos incluyen la inteligencia artificial (IA) para modernizar los servicios públicos.

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L’IA generativa tra sostenibilità e rischi: ecco perché i CIO guardano agli Small Language Model


Mentre GPT-4 passa il test di Turing, Microsoft spinge il suo assistente IA Copilot nei prodotti per le imprese e Google annuncia la disponibilità dell’app Gemini sui cellulari anche in Italia, i CIO studiano la tecnologia dell’intelligenza artificiale generativa per restare sempre aggiornati, ma senza farsi sviare né dall’entusiasmo tecnologico né dalle proposte commerciali.

Startups 613
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DashApps – the Next Big Thing?


Well IBIS 2024, the BusinessObjects event of the year, was just brilliant. The sessions were outstanding, the keynotes inspiring, the interactions compelling and the BI 2025 test drives exciting. It really was the best IBIS ever! Once again, my favorite part was the compelling customer case studies, and this year was exceptional. One, in particular, that really stood out for me was from a nationwide healthcare organization that has developed a whole collection of both operational and Business In

Finance 52
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Request for proposal vs. request for partner: what works best for you?


Industry pundits have debated the value of conventional RFPs for more than a decade. Researchers at the University of Tennessee have been leaders in studying the shift to bidding approaches of greater collaboration, and have recently weighed in on the debate. Interested in making a switch? This article provides a comparison between a traditional Request for Proposal (RFProposal) and more collaborative Request for Partner (RFPartner) processes.

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ACI survey – executive summary Competitive Intelligence Professionals Rank Their Tools


Designing a curriculum for training CI professionals requires an open-minded perspective and humility regarding the profession. It’s not a standard profession, it’s multidisciplinary and it requires a unique skill set. Our latest survey asked CIPs™ which of our courses served them best in their careers. Here is the gist of the responses: On a scale of Extremely Valuable, Very Valuable, Somewhat Valuable, Not Valuable at All, 84% of the responses marked the entire program (CIP-I™ and CIP-II™) Ext

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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Keyword Competitor Analysis: Unlocking SEO Success


Ever wondered how your competitors always seem to be one step ahead in the search rankings? The secret weapon they're wielding is keyword competitor analysis. This powerful strategy isn't just for the big players—it's a game-changer for businesses of all sizes looking to boost their online visibility. What is Keyword Competitor Analysis?

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Ask a Data Ethicist: When Is It OK to Use “Fake” Data?


It’s easier than ever to use AI-generated images or text and to create synthetic data for use in research. A recent high-profile story got me thinking more about this question: When is it OK to use “fake” data? Before we dive into this, I’m putting “fake” in quotes because I’m taking a wide perspective on […] The post Ask a Data Ethicist: When Is It OK to Use “Fake” Data?

IT 52
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Avoid AI pitfalls: Understanding how your business sells is key to a smooth AI deployment


Many companies struggle with where and how to implement artificial intelligence (AI) into their workflows. We suggest applying AI to the highest-value processes in your company — sales and order entry — because the return on investment (ROI) can be fast and substantial. With AI, quote turnaround can go from 12 hours to 20 minutes , training time drops by 90%, and sales productivity goes through the roof.

Business 618
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12 Social Media Monitoring Tools You Should Use in 2024


Did you know that 5.04 billion people are active on social media worldwide? Leveraging social media is one of the most efficient strategies to connect with your target audience and convey your message to the masses. People do not just use social media to connect with friends or family. They also use the platforms of their choice to research different brands, seek answers to their questions, and make informed decisions.

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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How To Find Competitor Pricing: Tools and Techniques

Aqute Intelligence

Knowing how to get competitor pricing is essential for the competitive intelligence of any business. It helps you make informed decisions about your own pricing strategies, market positioning, and potential opportunities. Accurate and up-to-date pricing information on competitors can significantly impact profitability and competitiveness, providing valuable insights for creating a comprehensive competitor report.

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The Innovation Table | Mark Semprini on Mastering Price and Purpose


Mark Semprini is the Director of Pricing at Dutch Valley Food Distributors, Inc. With extensive experience spanning multiple decades in the retail and wholesale food industry, Mark has held significant roles in pricing, merchandising, and management. Prior to joining Dutch Valley, he held key positions including Director of Retail Pricing at C&S Wholesale Grocers for over 8 years and Director of Retail Pricing and Director of Merchandising at Associated Wholesalers, Inc. for over 17 years.

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How to Choose the Best Large Language Model (LLM) for Each and Every Task


Choosing the right large language model (LLM) for each task you’re working on can supercharge your workflow. It’s not about using a single model for everything—it’s about using the best model for each specific job. Think of it as choosing the right tool from a toolbox. With Domo.AI , you can mix and match LLMs to perfectly balance speed, cost, accuracy, and security.

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The Innovation Table | Mark Semprini on Mastering Price and Purpose


Mark Semprini is the Director of Pricing at Dutch Valley Food Distributors, Inc. With extensive experience spanning multiple decades in the retail and wholesale food industry, Mark has held significant roles in pricing, merchandising, and management. Prior to joining Dutch Valley, he held key positions including Director of Retail Pricing at C&S Wholesale Grocers for over 8 years and Director of Retail Pricing and Director of Merchandising at Associated Wholesalers, Inc. for over 17 years.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission