Wed.Jan 08, 2025

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Transformación digital en 2025: qué está de moda y qué no


Algunos sostienen que la aparicin de la inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa ha hecho que la transformacin digital sea cosa del pasado.Transformacin de IAes el trmino que se utiliza para describirla. Otros sugieren que todo debera llamarse transformacin empresarial o, simplemente, transformacin. Qu terminologa debera utilizar? La que genere el mayor llamado a la accin por parte de su junta directiva, ejecutivos y empleados, porque mantener el statu quo es un camino seguro hacia la disrupcin.

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Beyond Generative AI: How AI Maximizes Manufacturing Operations

Weidert Group

We talk a lot about leveraging AI in B2B marketing, especially for the industrial sector. We even talk about how to AI-proof your content strategy. But AI impacts more than marketing; its also transforming operations on the manufacturing floor. In the latest episode of The Changeover Podcast , I sat down with Caleb Waack, Chief Technology Officer at NEXT , a company that specializes in building AI-powered decision engines that transform manufacturing data into real-time, actionable insights.


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CIOs are rethinking how they use public cloud services. Here’s why.


Over the past few years, enterprises have strived to move as much as possible as quickly as possible to the public cloud to minimize CapEx and save money. Increasingly, however, CIOs are reviewing and rationalizing those investments. Are they truly enhancing productivity and reducing costs? In the rush to the public cloud, a lot of people didnt think about pricing, says Tracy Woo, principal analyst at Forrester.

Hospitals 510
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LOWE’S Exploratory Data Analysis: Trends and Insights in Smart Home Technology

Data Hut

Understanding price trends, brand strategies, and customer preferences is pivotal in this fast-evolving landscape of smart home technology. One of the world's largest retailers of home improvement and a treasure trove of the dynamics of the smart home market, Lowe's, has come to the forefront for analysis in these patterns and anomalies. What follows is a dive into the major points: key players in terms of high-priced leaders, budget-friendly options, and drivers behind product ratings

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5 Ways You Can Win Faster with Gen AI in Sales

Incorporating generative AI (gen AI) into your sales process can speed up your wins through improved efficiency, personalized customer interactions, and better informed decision- making. Gen AI is a game changer for busy salespeople and can reduce time-consuming tasks, such as customer research, note-taking, and writing emails, and provide insightful data analysis and recommendations.

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En marcha un test de estrés en español para medir los sesgos de la IA generativa


Las aplicaciones basadas en grandes modelos de lenguajecomo GPT -el modelo detrs de ChatGPT-, Gemini o Llamahan hecho posible que cualquier usuario converse directamente con la inteligencia artificial (IA).Sus posibilidades para empresas y particulares son inmensas, pero su potencial tiene un doble filo: segn los datos con los que hayan sido entrenados y el tipo de entrenamiento, las respuestas de estos modelos de IA pueden contener mensajes sesgados por razn de sexo, raza, orientacin sexual, di

Research 394

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Así es el copiloto industrial que ayuda a una fábrica alemana a confrontar el reto de la capacitación


Para quienes no estn familiarizados con el nombre, Thyssenkrupp es un conglomerado de compaas alemanas especializadas en ingeniera industrial y produccin de acero. En los ltimos aos, la organizacin ha descubierto cmo encarar uno de los grandes desafos que acechaba a la industria: la falta de talento cualificado. Para ello, como viene siendo habitual en los tiempos modernos, la compaa ha recurrido a la tecnologa, en este caso, a la inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa.

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The Role of Reinforcement Learning in Enhancing LLM Performance


Large language models (LLMs) are the backbone of modern natural language processing. They predict words, craft sentences, and mimic human language at scale. But underneath their polished outputs lies a limitation: They only replicate patterns seen in their given or training data. What happens when we want LLMs to go beyond this when they […] The post The Role of Reinforcement Learning in Enhancing LLM Performance appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

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The challenge of managing enterprise storage in a hybrid world


As enterprises and IT departments are being asked to do more with less, many are casting a critical eye over their storage costs. That dovetails with the recent growing debate about repatriating workloads to on-premises infrastructure driven by cloud spending exceeding original estimates. However, in reality only 8%-9% of organisations are planning full workload repatriation from the cloud to on-premises infrastructure, according to IDCs Server and Storage Workloads Survey.

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2025 Healthcare Outlook: Uncertainty and Innovation

Alpha Sense BI

For the healthcare sector, 2024 was a tumultuous year. Among other challenges, blockbuster drugs continued to come off patent, scrutiny of healthcare costs intensified, and healthcare reimbursement rates declined. Consequently, healthcare was the worst performer among all S&P 500 sectors for the second year in a row. For 2025, the Trump administration and its controversial healthcare nominees are contributing a healthy dose of uncertainty to the mix, as is the interest rate environment.

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Prepare Now: 2025s Must-Know Trends For Product And Data Leaders

Speaker: Jay Allardyce, Deepak Vittal, Terrence Sheflin, and Mahyar Ghasemali

As we look ahead to 2025, business intelligence and data analytics are set to play pivotal roles in shaping success. Organizations are already starting to face a host of transformative trends as the year comes to a close, including the integration of AI in data analytics, an increased emphasis on real-time data insights, and the growing importance of user experience in BI solutions.

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El laberinto de la nube: un enfoque de cinco fases para optimizar la estrategia


En el acelerado panorama digital actual, la nube se ha convertido en una piedra angular de la infraestructura empresarial moderna, ofreciendo una escalabilidad, agilidad y rentabilidad incomparables. Sin embargo, a medida que las organizaciones migran cada vez ms a la nube, los CIO se enfrentan al enorme desafo de navegar por un ecosistema de nube complejo y en rpida evolucin.

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칼럼 | 민간 영역으로 번지는 자국 중심주의··· ‘미국 퍼스트’ AI 전략 드러낸 MS


MS 2025 (2024 6 30 ) 800 . MS AI AI . . , MS . AI . . AI 4 25 . AI , . 2019 2 11, AI . 1 , , AI AI . MS . AI . AI . MS AI . 2019 AI , AI AI .

IT 243
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Leading the digital charge: Inspiring innovation and fostering a culture of excellence


Organizations look at digital transformation as an opportunity to radically improve operations and increase the value of a product or service to the customer by embedding technology into the decision-making fabric and building automation into its functions. This involves the integration of digital technologies into its planning and operations like adopting cloud computing to sustain and scale infrastructure seamlessly, using AI to improve user experience through natural language communication, e

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9 buoni propositi IT per il 2025


I CIO sono molto ambiziosi. Per lanno appena iniziato, non sembrano volersi accontentare dello status quo e, al contrario, fissano grandi obiettivi, secondo innumerevoli sondaggi realizzati di recente sui dirigenti IT. Vogliono espandere luso dellintelligenza artificiale, e fornire pi valore dai relativi investimenti, incrementare ulteriormente la produttivit dei dipendenti, aumentare lefficienza, migliorare la resilienza, espandere gli sforzi di trasformazione, e molto altro ancora.

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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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최대 6천억 투자처는?··· 기업공개(IPO) 앞둔 LG CNS, 중장기 성장 전략 공개


LG CNS 12 5 , 2 () . 1,937 7,190, 5 3,700 6 1,900. 6,000 LG CNS DX . LG CNS CEO DX . LG CNS AI, , , DX . 2019 3 2,833 2023 5 6,053 70.7% . 2024 3 7.0% 3 9,584 . AI LG CNS . 2023 51.6% . 40% AI, . LG CNS D&A(Data Analytics&AI) AI . LG CNS 1 AI AI , 5 AI Gen AI AI .

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오픈텍스트, ‘옴디아 유니버스’ 콘텐츠 서비스 플랫폼 부문 리더 선정


IT . . CM . , , , . CM . Opentext CM . AI AI , ( ), , SAP, (Salesforce), (Microsoft) 365, SAP, CM . , , AI . dl-ciokorea@foundryco.

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베스핀글로벌 한국 법인, 2024년 흑자 전환 성공


AI MSP . 7, AI MSP AI . LLM AI AI(HelpNow AI) 2024 . AI , AI (AI) . AI . , , , , , AI 2025 AI . AI MSP , AI DX . 3 . dl-ciokorea@foundryco.

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MFA 1 3,000 86%66% 1. IVR IVR IVR 2. ATO TransUnion 32ATO 3. IVR CIBAI AI Google60AI Open AI Voice Engine15 905180 CDK2 CDKCDKCDK 1. 2. 3.

Security 195
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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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퀄컴·아마존, 자동차 개발 환경·AI 경험 구현에 협력


AI , , . , AI . ( Alexa Custom Assistant) (Snapdragon Digital Cockpit Platform) , . LLM(Large Language Model) . , AWS . (Alexa) (Audible) (Amazon Music) , . . , AWS , , AI . dl-ciokorea@foundryco.

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New year, new commitment to digital innovation at Heineken


A true transformation journey for Heineken started in 2019, when Ralph Ostertag, director of digital and technology for Asia Pacific , joined after coming from Mercedes Benz, and years before that in other industries. Originally from Germany, Ostertag spent most of his career outside his home country in a mix of international roles covering a range of business, digital, and technology leadership roles.

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엔비디아, 데스크톱용 AI 슈퍼컴퓨터 ‘프로젝트 디지츠’ 공개··· 일반 콘센트로 1페타플롭 성능 구현


(LLM) AI . AI (DIGITS) . , , , AI . CEO CES 2025 . (MS) 2024 11 365 . 120mm(4.72) 30mm(1.18) . , . 120mm, 90mm, . . . MS , . MS 8GB RAM , AI . , 4 350 . 1 2025 5 3,000 . 4TB NVMe , 128GB LPDDR5X , 20 ARM CUDA , RT , 5 GB10 . 1 AI , FP4 2 .

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Microsoft promotes American-first AI


Microsoft sees itself on track to invest around $80 billion in the construction of new data centers in the 2025 fiscal year, ending June 30.According to a blog post by Microsoft President and General Counsel Brad Smith , the data centers will primarily be used to train AI models and operate AI and other cloud applications. Microsoft plans to make more than half of the planned investments in new facilities in the US reflecting our commitment to this country and our confidence in the American eco

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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칼럼 | 어디에 집중하고 무엇을 지양해야 하는가··· 2025년 DX 전략 전망


AI (DX) . AI (AX) . . ? , , . . . , , , AI . , , . 2025 DX DX , . , , . CIO , , (DevOps), , . 3 CIO . 2024 SaaS AI , AI . , , , , , , . , . (DEI) , . 2025 CIO 3 DX , 3 . : AI 2024 CIO DX IT , , .

IT 387
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Competencia lanza un contrato para detectar mediante IA licitaciones irregulares


La Comisin Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) ha lanzado un contrato pionero para detectar mediante algoritmos de inteligencia artificial (IA) posibles prcticas fraudulentas en licitaciones pblicas. As lo ha adelantado En concreto, Competencia ha sacado a concurso un contrato de servicios para el desarrollo y mantenimiento de aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial e Inteligencia de Negocio.

Algorithm 248
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2024-2025 엔비디아 주요 뉴스 라운드업


. GPU AI . GPU . GPU , , . AI , , , . . . AI (Project DIGITS) 2024 1 7: AI (LLM) . AI . (Project DIGITS) . , CES AI AI 2024 1 6: CES AI(generative physical AI) . AI . AI 2024 12 30: 5G AI . 5G AI (MEC) 5G AI .

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웹사이트 인증서가 6주마다 만료되면?··· 기업 IT를 위한 가이드북


SSL ( ) . IT . . . . . SSL/TLS . (CA) 8~10 . 2012 5 398. . . 2023 90 , 2024 2028 3 15 47 CA/ (CA/Browser Forum) . ( 45 ) 45 . AKSDIR CA/ 1 IT 6 . 8 . 90 IT 4 . IT . SSL ? (orphaned domain names), . . , . . . ?

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10 Ways to Leverage Buyer Signals and Drive Revenue

In today’s ultra-competitive markets, it’s no longer enough to wait for buyers to show obvious signs of interest. Instead, sales teams must be proactive, identifying and acting on nuanced buyer behaviors — often before prospects are fully ready to make a purchase. In this eBook from ZoomInfo & Sell Better, learn 10 actionable ways to use these buyer signals to transform your sales strategy and close deals faster.