Mon.Jun 03, 2024

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Getting infrastructure right for generative AI


Facts, it has been said, are stubborn things. For generative AI, a stubborn fact is that it consumes very large quantities of compute cycles, data storage, network bandwidth, electrical power, and air conditioning. As CIOs respond to corporate mandates to “just do something” with genAI, many are launching cloud-based or on-premises initiatives. But while the payback promised by many genAI projects is nebulous, the costs of the infrastructure to run them is finite, and too often, unacceptably hi

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6 Competitor Monitoring Tools to Boost Your Website Engagement


It has never been easier to monitor competitors in 2024. With so many ways to analyze your competitor’s online strategy, you can tap into their social media marketing success, website engagement, and projected campaign plans in just a few clicks. Don’t just take our word for it. With over 56% of leading brands now revealing that they use competitive intelligence to keep an eye on their competitors, it’s no longer a case of ‘should you monitor competitors,’ it’s when will you start?


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IT leaders’ AI talent needs hinge on reskilling


CIOs and HR managers are changing their equations on hiring and training, with a bigger focus on reskilling current employees to make good on the promise of AI technologies. That shift is in no small part due to an AI talent market increasingly stacked against them. With AI talent in high demand, the shortage of AI technicians available will only get worse, some hiring experts say, as job postings for workers with AI expertise are growing 3.5 times faster than for all jobs, according to a recent

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The Cool Kids Corner: Lifelong Learning 


Hello! I’m Mark Horseman, and welcome to The Cool Kids Corner. This is my monthly check-in to share with you the people and ideas I encounter as a data evangelist with DATAVERSITY. (Last month, we discussed data leadership.) This month, we’re talking about lifelong learning. In the Data Management space, what drives us to learn […] The post The Cool Kids Corner: Lifelong Learning appeared first on DATAVERSITY.

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Gain a Competitive Edge With This Scenario Planning Toolkit

In a world where uncertainty and change are constant, scenario planning empowers companies with the agility and competitive edge needed to thrive. Download the toolkit to fortify your business strategy , set up your competitive positioning , and ensure your company is poised to respond to any future scenario.

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3 methods to forge stronger business partner alliances


It’s estimated that upward of 70% of strategic partnerships end in failure, with some of the most commonly cited issues being unrealistic expectations, disagreement over objectives, and poor trust and communication. But when respective parties get the formula right, great value can be created far beyond what any one company can do alone. What’s the differentiator?

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Is there a natural contradiction within AI-driven code in cloud-native security?


AI-generated code promises to reshape cloud-native application development practices, offering unparalleled efficiency gains and fostering innovation at unprecedented levels. However, amidst the allure of newfound technology lies a profound duality—the stark contrast between the benefits of AI-driven software development and the formidable security risks it introduces.

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4 Indispensable Sources For Tracking Competitors


Competitor intelligence is a critical, but often overlooked, element of building a sustainable global business in the 21st century. However, in order to get the most value and not waste precious resources, you’ll need to develop a system that identifies new competitors and tracks what they’re doing so you’re not caught offguard. Even Sun Tzu realised a couple of thousand years ago that “if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”.

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Las necesidades de talento en IA de los responsables de TI pasan por el ‘reskilling’


Los directores de Sistemas de la Información (CIO, por sus siglas en inglés) y los directores de Recursos Humanos están cambiando sus ecuaciones en materia de contratación y formación, centrándose en mayor medida en la recapacitación de los empleados actuales para cumplir la promesa de las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial (IA). Este cambio se debe en gran parte a que el mercado de talentos de IA está cada vez más en su contra.

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How to detect competitor promotions in real-time


Competition is increasing day by day. Promotions have become increasingly important as companies fight for market share. In a competitive market, it’s critical to uncover your competitors’ offers and promotions in real time so you can take action and strategically respond.

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Are Your Impact Comms Resonating With Stakeholders?

Whether your organization is at the start of its sustainability and impact journey or years into it, many brands share a common concern: the uncertainty of whether they are sending stakeholders mixed messages. Creating content that speaks to your audience's “love language” can be a tricky dance. But, worry not! 3BL has put together tips to ensure that your content not only finds its rhythm but also resonates with your target audiences.

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AI + FinOps: How to automate cloud cost optimization


Hyper-automation to reduce your cloud costs. It’s not on the horizon – it’s already here. Artificial intelligence is being infused into FinOps practices and cloud cost management platforms. The result? Fewer manual tasks and more cost savings. Research shows companies that activate their FinOps model using AI are 53% more likely to achieve a cost savings of greater than 20% — compared to less than 10% without AI.

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Sell-Side vs Buy-Side Research: Comparison Guide

Alpha Sense BI

In the world of business, buy-side and sell-side research both play a pivotal role in guiding investment decisions. Moreover, understanding the differences between the two is crucial for anyone involved in the markets, as they have disparate purposes and intended audiences. Buy-side research is conducted by institutional investors such as mutual funds, hedge funds, and asset managers.

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Microsoft vs CISPE: No agreement in cloud dispute


The Association of Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe (CISPE) has denied reports that an agreement in its antitrust dispute with Microsoft is imminent. Previously, the online magazine Politico had reported, citing insiders, that both sides had agreed on a multi-million dollar deal, in the course of which the European cloud providers would withdraw their antitrust lawsuit against the US hyperscaler.

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Streamline your current awareness migration with our flexible template plan


You've decided to migrate to a new and improved current awareness platform. Where do you start? A migration project is a substantial investment in terms of time, resources, and expenditure. To ensure your project’s success, we have leveraged our experience to create a template project plan for you.

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7 Strategies to Gather (and Actually Use) Competitive Intel from Employees

Leaders in competitive intel know that the employees who interact with customers and prospects every day hold valuable competitive insights that could help win sales. But they don’t have a good plan or system to gather, organize, and share these insights with the stakeholders who need them. In this eBook, we outline 7 strategies to make it easier to build and scale an employee sharing program that will drive competitive advantage.

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Skills the Irish Government CIO uses to advance digital transformation


By the time he took up the CIO role in 2016, Lowry had already formed a leadership style more carrot than stick. Working in the British public sector, he’d seen a digitalization program fail because of command-and-control management, where gains achieved by a highly centralized approach quickly unravelled when the civil servant at the helm moved on.

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Emerging Technologies for Space Habitat Intelligence


SCIP Insights Emerging Technologies for Space Habitat Intelligence As humanity continues to explore the possibilities of space colonization, the development of sustainable and intelligent space habitats becomes increasingly crucial. These habitats must not only support human life but also optimize resource utilization, enhance safety, and adapt to the challenges of the extraterrestrial environment.

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Bruselas considera que los bancos deben asumir plena responsabilidad al emplear IA


Bruselas continúa perfilando los límites del uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y disipando dudas acerca de la responsabilidad civil y legal en el desempeño de cualquier actividad que incorpore la citada tecnología. Así, según advirtió el organismo de Control de Valores del bloque de los Veintisiete en su primera declaración sobre IA, los bancos y los fondos de inversión afincados en la Eurozona no podrán eludir la responsabilidad de las juntas directivas y la obligación legal de proteger a

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A practical guide to competitive intelligence

M Brain

On this page: Do you play chess? Let’s assume you do. Chess and competitive intelligence (CI) are a lot alike. Imagine you are in a high-stakes chess game. But you cannot see the chessboard. And you don’t see the other chess pieces either. Every move they make remains invisible to you.

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What Regulations Will Impact Sustainability Comms in 2024?

Navigating the waters of sustainability reporting disclosures and regulations can be intimidating, to say the least. With various measures set in motion in 2023 to keep companies accountable, there is a lot in store for brands’ impact communication in the upcoming year. 3BL is kicking off this January with our Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Capricorn Edition by highlighting the impact of: The U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Climate disclosure rules The European Commission

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Business and IT alignment: How people-centric planning fuels real progress


It used to be technology was just another utility, on a similar level to an enterprise’s plumbing or electricity. Now, technology fuels pretty much every critical business service for every company in every industry. Technology is inextricably bound with the business. Without technology, business stops. Without technological innovation, the business stands still.

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Want to save more than 20% on cloud? Research shows you how…


A new research study conducted by Foundry exposes what the most successful cloud cost management programs have in common, helping IT and financial leaders pinpoint FinOps approaches generating the highest savings. Here’s the bottom line: Partner with a provider for FinOps software and services and you’ll save 20% on average. Apply AI to your FinOps practice and you’ll save greater than 20% on average.

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Habilidades que utiliza el CIO del Gobierno irlandés para avanzar en la transformación digital


Cuando asumió el cargo de CIO en 2016, Lowry ya se había formado en un estilo de liderazgo más de zanahoria que de látigo. Trabajando en el sector público británico, había visto fracasar un programa de digitalización por culpa de una gestión de ordeno y mando, en la que los logros conseguidos con un enfoque muy centralizado se desbarataron rápidamente cuando el funcionario que llevaba el timón se marchó.

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RTVE adjudica a Telefónica el servicio de correo electrónico por 4,35 millones


Radio Televisión Española (RTVE) ha adjudicado a Telefónica la licitación pública para la prestación del servicio de correo electrónico por una partida de 4,35 millones de euros. Así se contempla en el portal de contratación del Estado. En el pliego de prescripciones técnicas de la licitación se detalla que RTVE requiere la contratación de un proveedor especializado que disponga de los medios tecnológicos y recursos técnicos adecuados para asegurar la calidad del servicio citado con anteriorida

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Grounding sky-high cloud costs: 3 hot tips


Cloud doesn’t just open the door to enabling advanced technologies like AI, hyper-automation, and big data analytics – it unlocks a complex realm of costs and expense management problems that can threaten innovation and its financial sustainability. A recent study of IT decision makers peels back these trends: Cloud visibility is all but missing: 86% of decision makers said they can’t get a global view of their cloud costs quickly, and 65% are unsure if they’re delivering the service levels thei

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Take FinOps beyond the cloud: How to widen your IT financial savings


A new surge of enthusiasm surrounds a strategic framework poised to simplify the management of cloud expenses and help companies lower their IT costs — it’s called FinOps, a portmanteau of the words Financial and DevOps. While this methodology is praised for instilling financial governance, its principles can be extended far beyond just cloud infrastructure and applications.

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Cloud cost allocation: How one firm uses FinOps to do chargebacks right


Cloud computing and cloud software are some of the biggest IT trends of the decade, but they can wreak havoc on IT financial analysts trying to track assets, control and predict costs, or charge cloud service costs back to the departments that benefit from them. With a growing list of cloud applications and infrastructure instances, tracing invoices and their associated owners and users can be time-consuming work lost in the details of mapping how and where services are used across the organizat

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Cloud ROI: Getting innovation economics right with FinOps


Is the cloud a good investment? Does it deliver strong returns? How can we invest responsibly in the cloud? These are questions IT and finance leaders are wrestling with today because the cloud has left many companies in a balancing act—caught somewhere between the need for cloud innovation and the fiscal responsibility to ensure they are investing wisely, getting full value out of the cloud.

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What Questions Are Brands Asking About Their ESG Initiatives Ahead of 2024?

Temperatures are rising (and not just metaphorically) as key stakeholders anxiously anticipate the outcomes of COP28. While companies reconsider their 2024 environmental sustainability strategies, there is another aspect of ESG that deserves exploring, the social sector. In the latest edition of "Navigating ESG Comms Through the Cosmos - Sagittarius Edition", 3BL hones in on this sign’s bold quality of asking questions others are burning to know the answers to.